šŸ’” Thought of the day: What about the docker pause command in K8S ?

July 06, 2021

I wondered this morning if there is an equivalent of ā€œdocker pauseā€ in Kubernetes to pause all processes inside a container?

I searched for a solution on the official tech documentation (https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/docker-cli-to-kubectl/) without success.

Kubernetes does not support this feature because it only works on virtual machines and K8S advises using stateless pods.

You can all the same patch the readiness in a deployment to determine when the traffic will be able to pass but this could complicate the solution and also restart the containerā€¦

An acceptable workaround is to scale down the related deployment, but it is not exactly the same thing: the replicas=0 destroy all the pods, so it is not really a pause!

    kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment/<pod name> --namespace=<namespace>

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Words by Sylvain MARTIN an experienced developer living in Nantes in France. I am passionnate of innovation and WEB technologies. You should follow me on Twitter